Valery Melou

A little about me

My developer journey started in 2012-2013 with a book from OpenClassroom (then called, Le Site du Zéro). The assignment was simple: build a website using PHP, HTML and CSS. But for me, it sparked a fascination with the possibilities of the web. I spent countless hours tinkering, learning code like a secret language, and reveling in the satisfaction of seeing my creations come to life.

Fast forward to today, and that early spark has ignited a full-fledged career. I've worn many hats - a freelancer tackling diverse projects, a team leader guiding developers, and most recently, a Director of Operations at MBOA DIGITAL, ensuring the delivery of software projects in time and within budget.

I'm now specialized into web development. Building RESTfull APIs with Django and Python then, consuming those APIs with Angular and Typescript. I also have a strong focus on accessibility when building web components because I believe the web should be accessible to everyone, even the impaired.

Valery Melou